Migrationsberatung Caritas Nordhausen, Caritasverband für das Bistum Erfurt e. V.
Migration counseling Caritas Nordhausen, Caritas for the Diocese of Erfurt e. V.
Counseling for migrants and late emigrants with permanent residence from the age of 27.
Consultation offers
- Telephone counseling
- Online counseling
- Counseling in the counseling center (face to face)
all consulting offers are free of charge
Caritasregion Eichsfeld/Nordthüringen
99734 Nordhausen
Phone 03631 467158
Email schmidt.ri@caritas-bistum-erfurt.de
Website www.caritas-eichsfeld-nordthueringen.de
Target groups
- Parents
- Nordhausen
updated on: 16. August 2023